What is Re:MONJI?

“I wish MONJI had this feature!”
“This function is hard to use…”

Have you ever had these thoughts while using MONJI?
If so, we would love to hear your suggestions about what features we should add or improve to make MONJI a more useful platform for all creators.
Please post your feedback on Re:MONJI, and our team will get to work on making those improvements.

Improvements: 2

The "Re" of "Re:MONJI" refers to our valuable relationships with creators, the reputation that we've built on the reviews we've recieved from creators, the idea of reframing our ideas to create new value, continuing to reform our service, creating a revolution, and the rebirth of a new and improved MONJI.

We value your suggestions, no matter how small, and we're looking forward to hearing from you.

About questions and bug reports

If you have any other questions or have noticed any bugs in MONJI, please contact us.


It would be useful if other MONJI users could make edits to your revision request.

When I share revision requests within my company, other members of my team often suggest more notes that they would like me to add to the request.


Rather than allowing just anyone to edit the request, it would be nice if you could add people as editors through their email address.


It would be very helpful if multiple people could edit the same revision request. (Similar to Google Spreadsheets)


Thank you for your consideration.

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In progress

Comments from MONJI

Thank you for using MONJI!
We appreciate you taking the time to post feedback on Re:MONJI.

Other users have also requested the ability to allow multiple people edit the same revision request, so we are currently considering implementing this feature.

We are working wholeheartedly toward improving MONJI and making it a more useful service. We appreciate your patience as we work on making these changes.

Thank you for your continued use of MONJI.

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When a site has a header that is fixed to the top of the window, this header gets displayed in the middle of the screenshot, and overlaps other things on the page.

It seems like this happens to elements that are set to “position:sticky;”

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In progress

Comments from MONJI

Thank you for using MONJI!
We appreciate you taking the time to post feedback on Re:MONJI.

We are very sorry that this issue has made it inconvenient for you to use MONJI.
We’re currently working hard to resolve this issue so that fixed elements will no longer appear in the middle of the page.
Thank you for your patience as we make this improvement.

Until then, we hope that you will continue to use MONJI.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any other concerns.

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MONJI is a helpful tool and I use it all the time.


It seems like MONJI is designed to work the same way for both materials that will be printed and websites. When we request revisions to web pages at my company, there are often times when we want small changes to be made to multiple pages.


In this sort of  situation, it would be useful if we could add more pages to the revision request when we copy the screen to the clipboard.

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Under review

Comments from MONJI

Thank you for using MONJI!
We appreciate you taking the time to post feedback on Re:MONJI

Thank you for your valuable suggestion. In order to make MONJI a more useful tool, we will consider implementing the ability to add pages by copying them to the clipboard.

Thank you for your continued use of MONJI.

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Thank you for providing us with this free proofing software.

There are a few changes I would like to suggest to improve MONJI.


■ Password protection

It would be useful to be able to password protect revision requests when sending them as a URL.


■ Shrink wide images to fit within the window

I see that many other users are asking for a feature to allow them to expand or shrink the size of the revision request image. (It sounds like that might be difficult to implement…)


When working on horizontal graphic designs that will be printed, it’s difficult to navigate with the horizontal scrollbar. For the time being, it seems like it would be a huge improvement to the UX if wide images were automatically resized to fit within the window.


■ Compatibility with sites that require login

I would be extremely grateful if MONJI had the ability to review pages that require users to login (not just pages protected by basic authentication). This also sounds like it might be difficult to implement though…


Thank you for considering these suggestions.

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In progress

Comments from MONJI

Thank you for using MONJI!
We are very grateful that you posted feedback on Re:MONJI, and shared your valuable suggestions with us!

■ Here are our replies regarding your suggestions:

① Password protection
Thank you for suggesting this feature!
Password protection would help increase MONJI’s security, so we plan to take your advice and add this feature!

② Image resizing
We have received similar requests from many other users regarding image resizing.
We apologize for not having corrected this issue yet.
We plan to implement this feature in the future.
We appreciate your patience as we work on making this improvement as we develop the full version of MONJI.

③ Compatibility with sites that require login
We are carefully considering the implementation of this feature, since it may be both technically not feasible and a potential security risk.
As a temporary solution, we suggest that you login to the site that you want to proof, take a screenshot of the page, and upload it to MONJI as an image through the “Review Image File” feature.

Thank you for your patience as we work on considering or implementing your suggestions.

Until then, we hope that you will continue to use MONJI.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any other concerns.

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Art Director

I want to connect MONJI to Asana, but I’m not sure how.

What do I need to do to connect it?

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Comments from MONJI

Thank you for using MONJI!
We appreciate you taking the time to post your question on Re:MONJI.

Please follow these steps to connect MONJI to Asana.

① Create a revision request in MONJI and write your feedback
② Click the “Send request” button in the top right corner of the screen
③ Under “Select destination”, choose “Asana”
④ Follow the directions on the screen to set up the connection

Thank you for your important question!
We hope that MONJI will continue to be a useful tool for you.

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How long are MONJI files saved for?

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Comments from MONJI

Thank you for using MONJI!
We appreciate you taking the time to post your question on Re:MONJI.

In the current beta version of MONJI, revision requests are saved indefinitely.
When we release the full version of MONJI, we may consider changing this in order to increase MONJI’s performance and make it a more useful service.

Thank you for your continued use of MONJI.

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