

Feb 2, 2022

How to Use MONJI: A Beginner’s Guide to Osaka’s Top Visual Feedback Tool

Today I’d like to introduce you to MONJI, and give a simple overview of how to start utilizing it to give effective visual feedback.

Maybe you’ve already heard about this Osaka Top Runner Award-winning proofreading platform, and how it can speed up your workflow by up to 80%. Or maybe this is your very first time and you’re not exactly sure what kind of features it has to offer.

In either case, let’s start with a brief overview of MONJI and what it can do for you.

MONJI is an online proofing platform that’s designed to speed up the process of requesting revisions to websites, graphics, and documents.
MONJI allows you to review the source material and add annotations and feedback directly from your browser. All you have to do is input a website URL, or upload the graphic or document that you want to use. Its digital sticky note format is an intuitive way to convey feedback and ask for revisions, speeding up communication both in-house, and between clients and agencies.

MONJI Features:

– Screenshot generation from any URL, image (jpg / gif / png), or PDF

– Area selection

– Commonly used proofreading marks

– Voice input so you can add comments hands-free

– Connection to popular communication and productivity tools, including Trello and Chatwork


Here’s how to use MONJI to add design feedback to a website:

1. Input the website URL.

2. MONJI will create a screenshot for you to add notes to.

3. Write your feedback and add proofreading marks. You can set a priority level and due date for each task as well.

4. Send your revision request as a link, or through some of your favorite communication and productivity tools, including Chatwork and Trello.

That’s it! MONJI makes it easier to convey design feedback than ever before.
No more phone tag, no more printing out web pages, and no need to transcribe handwritten notes!

You can also use MONJI to request revisions to images and PDFs. All you have to do is upload the file you want to annotate.

MONJI also saves all of your revision requests so that you can edit them or send them to other people involved in the project at any time.

MONJI is 100% free to use, and you can create an account at https://monji.tech/

Happy editing!

And don’t forget to follow the official MONJI social media accounts!
Twitter: @monji_tech_en
Facebook: @monji.tech.en
LinkedIn: ALAKI Co., Ltd.

We love hearing from our users, especially when they have feedback about how we can improve our services. Please don’t hesitate to let us know if there are any features that are difficult to use, or any additional features that would be useful for your work.


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